Sunday, August 25, 2013

I know you can

Every day gives you an opportunity to begin anew. No one is stuck with a particular character, personality or life circumstances. Yes, there are things we can't change but there are still a lot we have control over. For instance you may not be able to change the grades you had in school but you can choose today to be the best you can be in whatever career path you've chosen. You can take a lesson from Ben Carson who went from being the class dummy to the one people took the difficult questions to. You can also learn from Bill Gates who in a quote said about his friend, he passed all his exams and I didn't pass some of mine but today he is an engineer at Microsoft and I am the owner of Microsoft. He was trying to say that your past doesn't decide your future. Succeeding in life is all about your determination to be the best you can be. You don't have to stay stuck in a depressing narrative of your life. You can break the mould, reinvent yourself and reach for the stars to change your world. I know you can ...

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